Kane and Kendall County

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Though national statistics can be scary and impressive, nothing can impact as greatly as seeing what is happening in your own area.

Kane County has a judge and courtroom designated to hearing domestic crimes. At the end of 2010 there will be a second judge in another courtroom hearing domestic crimes.

The Kane County State's Attorney Domestic Violence Prosecution Unit prosecutes approximately 1500 misdemeanor cases per year along with 150 felonies. Another 150 domestic cases are assigned to other prosecutors.

The St. Charles, IL police department reports that domestic violence/abuse crimes are the second most common calls responded to by police officers yearly. Phoenix, Arizona, also released the same information.

The Kane County Sheriff's Department reports that they answer 60+ domestic violence/abuse calls per month.

The victim contacts in 2009 for Community Crisis Center, a shelter in Elgin, IL includes:
1,460 victims contacted.
4,668 calls were received on their hotline.
Court Advocates assisted 127 victims with 121 Emergency Orders of Protection and 66 Plenary Orders.

Mutual Ground, the DV shelter in Aurora, reports that for the 2009 fiscal year:
Averaged over 1,500 DV hot line calls per month.
Provided 11,913 nights of shelter to victims.
Assisted 393 clients in obtaining 300 Orders of Protection.
Provided 17,160 hours of support and education services to 1,442 domestic violence victims.

Kendall County while smaller in numbers has the same per captia statistics.

Here are spome Kendall County statistics provided from Mutual Grounds.

The following reflects the # of protective orders Mutual Ground assisted in obtaining in Kendall County.
The numbers include Orders of Protection, Civil No Contact Orders a some Stalking No Contact Orders.

2014 = 83
2015 = 84
2016 = 180
2017 = 184
2018 = 156 ( as of 12/07/2018 )
Total = 687

Mutual Ground Legal Advocates have provided the following # of direct service hours to victims / survivors of Domestic
and Sexual Violence in Kendall County:
2014 = 124.50
2015 = 90.50
2016 = 216.25
2017 = 192.75
2018 = 221.50
Total = 845.50

These are not numbers from across the country, but just some of the victims here in your own community.